5 Legit Ways to Make Money Online
Let me help you get your mind around these real life ways to make extra cash from home. Think ‘extra’ because while these are really good researched ideas, they are not get rich quick schemes nor are they likely to make you so wealthy that you’ll tell your boss off and quit your day job.
What these clever money making ideas will do, is add to your wallet for a little of your effort and know-how from home.
I’m talking to the stay at home moms and dads, students looking to supplement their income and anyone who wants to either create more spending dough or stash it away into your savings. All you are going to need is a little ambition and access to the internet.
Listen to my full podcast here:
Highlights include:
- What you need to make money from home online.
- The two focus group sites that show you how to find focus groups online that pay you between $50 and a maximum of $500.
- Become a writer, here’s how.
- How to get paid to edit copy, translate languages and hitting the jackpot with Digital Strategy gigs that pay the most.
- How much writers get paid and what earns you more than other writers.
- Why users say it’s worth it.
- How to get more than one writing assignment at a time to earn more.
- How to get a higher star rating to make more.
- How to get paid simply for creating a list of ten things.
- What lists get picked to earn you $100.
- How to sell photos online.
- How much you earn every time your photo is downloaded… again and again.
- How to get your per photo rate boosted to make more.
- Teach those children well. How you don’t have to be a teacher to get paid to teach.
- Hello to my cousin Addison who could clean up teaching English online to Chinese students.
- Part-time teacher made an extra $10,000
- Requirements to become an online teacher.
- How to become an online tutor for 50+ subjects or SAT prep.
- Bonus plan for Military Spouse program members.
- What you need to know after you apply.
- On-demand tutoring versus Scheduled tutor sessions.
- Why you need to pay attention to the mentor.
- Not smart? No problem. Get paid to walk outdoors and I’m not kidding.
- How to cash in and get paid.
- How much walking you need to do to earn an iPhone X.
- Overall Tips to Succeeding at making money online.
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Award-winning journalist, author, investor and innovator
Kurt has a deep love of technology that makes life better. Best known as “Kurt the CyberGuy,” Kurt Knutsson created the largest syndicated tech lifestyle franchise on television. As a trusted source, Kurt’s unique insider access to major tech launches and industry visionaries has helped earn him two Emmy Awards and a Golden Mic.
Kurt lives between home in California and NYC where he is also the chief tech contributor on Fox News & Fox Business networks beginning his mornings on Fox & Friends.
Kurt and his CyberGuy reports focus on consumer technology, innovative people and inventions that are rocking the world.