Best Apps to Send and Receive Money
You are about to learn which of the top payment apps are the best and why.
Not long ago, a trip to Western Union counter or store was about the only way to get money sent right away between people. All that has changed with the advent of safe, more cost-effective payment apps associated with your smartphone. Not all are the same and some are much better for splitting a restaurant check or paying back a friend versus using to buy something from an online retailer like eBay or Etsy where your protections are fairly limited.
I’m going to start the basic tips and rules to follow in order to get the most out of using the top payment apps.
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Award-winning journalist, author, investor and innovator
Kurt has a deep love of technology that makes life better. Best known as “Kurt the CyberGuy,” Kurt Knutsson created the largest syndicated tech lifestyle franchise on television. As a trusted source, Kurt’s unique insider access to major tech launches and industry visionaries has helped earn him two Emmy Awards and a Golden Mic.
Kurt lives between home in California and NYC where he is also the chief tech contributor on Fox News & Fox Business networks beginning his mornings on Fox & Friends.
Kurt and his CyberGuy reports focus on consumer technology, innovative people and inventions that are rocking the world.