See What Google Knows About You
Who let Google off the hook?
Google gathers more data like every website you visit, locations history of every place you go, everything you search, what’s in your calendar, documents your write, email received from a gmail account.
We haven’t even gotten into the what the owner of the Android operating platform is also recording from your non-Apple mobile phone.
Speaking of which, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is smelling like a rose right now as the privacy policies of Apple seem pristine and well thought out compared to major tech companies like Google and Facebook.
In fact while they differ in approach, Tim Cook was first to invite the conversation about regulation in Silicon Valley. Zuckerberg initial shot back at Apple’s leader but now in front of the senate while under testimony seems to agree to the idea of regulation.
Here’s what I know. You are the best at determining what level of privacy you should have, what data should be collected about you and how it is used. Right now, our control over these areas of our lives seem out of control.
To Google’s credit, they do a substantially better job at making privacy control understandable. Don’t let that make you think they care about you as a human being as much as they value you as a commodity.
Find out what Google knows about you here and what you can do to take back your privacy
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Award-winning journalist, author, investor and innovator
Kurt has a deep love of technology that makes life better. Best known as “Kurt the CyberGuy,” Kurt Knutsson created the largest syndicated tech lifestyle franchise on television. As a trusted source, Kurt’s unique insider access to major tech launches and industry visionaries has helped earn him two Emmy Awards and a Golden Mic.
Kurt lives between home in California and NYC where he is also the chief tech contributor on Fox News & Fox Business networks beginning his mornings on Fox & Friends.
Kurt and his CyberGuy reports focus on consumer technology, innovative people and inventions that are rocking the world.