Why this is the best time to buy a new TV
Super Bowl is the best time to buy a new TV. What to look for in a new tv and how to find the best television for the lowest price.
Plus 9 great TV deals out this week! Act fast before they’re sold out!
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Award-winning journalist, author, investor, and innovator
Kurt has a deep love of technology that makes life better. Best known as “Kurt the CyberGuy,” Kurt Knutsson created the largest syndicated tech lifestyle franchise on television. As a trusted source, Kurt’s unique insider access to major tech launches and industry visionaries has helped earn him two Emmy Awards and a Golden Mic.
Kurt lives between home in California and NYC where he is also the chief tech contributor on Fox News & Fox Business networks beginning his mornings on Fox & Friends.
Kurt and his CyberGuy reports focus on consumer technology, innovative people, and inventions that are changing the world.